Helios Temple

This playable blockout was created as part of a recent learning and development project through CGMA, where we had a few guiding parameters but the creative freedom to explore the concept in depth.

Project Brief:

  • Feature a temple

  • Semi-linear gameplay flow

  • Include at least one alternative route

  • Reward players for exploring

Level Concept:

Taking cues from Tomb Raider (2013) for pacing and borrowing visual elements reminiscent of Indiana Jones (Raiders, Temple of Doom), I focused on creating an atmosphere heavy with lore and exploration. Instead of prioritizing combat, I designed lore-collection opportunities throughout the level; journal pages are scattered across the temple, hinting at its purpose and foreshadowing a lurking danger.

After navigating a short introductory space, setting the scene with a beached boat and dropped journal pages, I wanted to provide a vista reveal as they enter the main area of the temple. It is cathedral-like, echoing with the sound of dripping water into mildly flooded areas, suggesting unexplored depths. The Helios Alter is immediately visible to the player, leading them to their main traversal objective.

For players who explore the darker recesses of the cave, an alternative route bypasses the temple guardian and reveals additional journal entries, shedding light on the fates of previous explorers.

As a fan of exploration-driven games steeped in lore like Myst, Riven, and Life is Strange, I wanted players to feel the thrill of discovery and question, ‘Do I rush forward to claim the treasure I see, or is this all a trap? What happened here—and could it happen to me?’

I also had fun creating some documentation for the level as if it were recorded in one of Indiana’s journals:

VisDev for one of the journals the player finds throughout the level - could be the player character’s journal as well, with the map being penciled in over time as the player explores more of the temple.


Mythic Merchants


Risotto Ricordi